Browse Articles By Tag: chinese medicine
Chinese medicine relies heavily on a whole body and mind approach. Nutritional counseling seeks to pair foods favorable for health while at the same time also seeking to limit or entirely cut out the kinds of food combinations that are neither favorable nor healthy...
01.03.2013 · From TheAuthor
Talk about snake oil, and you will most likely think about traveling conmen who used to visit the various villages and townships as they were eked out of the dusty sands and green prairies by settlers. (...)
01.03.2013 · From TheAuthor
Let the buyer beware when purchasing creams allegedly used in Chinese medicine! Many of them contain harmful chemicals known to cause severe physiological setbacks. Even as there is no surefire way to tell at a glance if you are about to make a risky purchase, there...
26.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Weight loss in the United States is an industry that is growing by leaps and bounds. Not a day goes by that another miraculous cure or patch, potion, or shake is not unveiled. Thousands of people die each year as a result of fad dieting, side effects from commercial...
26.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Is Chinese medicine for you? You may be surprised to learn that more and more Westerners are enthusiastically visiting the offices of Chinese practitioners, but to some it is little more than the latest fad that is here today and gone tomorrow. (...)
21.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Chinese herbs have been used for centuries to treat various diseases and conditions as well as to prevent illness. Each herb has its own properties and a knowledgeable herbalist or practitioner must be consulted when herbs are being used. (...)
20.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Open up the medicine cabinet in virtually any American home, and the odds are good that you are greeted by a plethora of bottles containing pills, capsules, tinctures, and sprays. Only a few of them pertain to the beautifying of the person who owns the cabinet, the...
20.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Nutritional treatments are an important tool of Chinese medicine and it is not surprising that with the burgeoning popularity of this alternative form of health care in the West the demand for specialty food items is also increasing. (...)
20.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
As soon as you even begin to scratch the surface of Chinese medicine, you will come face to face with yin and yang. References to these forces are found everywhere within the application of modalities to the understanding of symptoms. (...)
19.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Perhaps not surprising, adolescents and even those who suffer from adult acne will look high and low for ways to rid their complexions of the unsightly blemishes. While mild cases may be covered up with make up, the more severe ones actually do require intervention. (...)
19.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Many a Westerner is enamored with the idea of availing themselves of alternative medical treatments. If you take a look at the ads on the Internet, you will find that practitioners are practically a dime a dozen! As a matter of fact, in some segments of the population...
19.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Chinese medicine is the stuff of myth and legend and to the Westerner it is a discipline filled with intriguing scents, odd practices, and at times even nonsensical applications. Part of the problem of course is a natural born skepticism that opposes anything and...
18.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Herbal therapy has an intricate role to play in Traditional Chinese medicine. Illness is usually treated by acupuncture followed by the prescription of a herbal formula. The formula contains various herbs that together bring harmony to the patient. (...)
17.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
The Chinese people believe that each season has different foods and activities that best fit to enhance the body's needs for that season. During the season of Spring Qi is moving upward and outwards so it is a good time to produce and to transform blood and body...
16.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
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